== Timoteo Ponce's blog ==

Things I have learned from work... so far

tips development
 Back in 2009 I started working on a Swiss software development company called Swissbytes, since then I have learned a lot of things. This is a very short list of the most important ones: You are not the best programmer in the world, deal with it.Always put your name in your source code.Keep track of your work, as well of your source code.Think a little bit before jumping into programming, but do not exagerate. Read more...

Revision control systems - Part 1

cvs svn
As a software engineering student, many of the subjects of the career includes software development projects. And as every kind of project, they normally have: documentation, source code, configuration files, templates, etc. At first being a newbie in software development practices I concluded after a while that I needed some sort of revision control for my projects, because all of them were presented to the teachers incrementally and progressively. Read more...

Problems installing Rails

problem rails linux gem
When you are trying to install Rails via Gem, you will have this exception: # gem install rails ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT)     No such file or directory - lib To solve it, the solution is pretty obvious, create 'lib' folder:  # mkdir /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rails-3.0.3/lib Then execute the first command again, and done.

libgpod with Ipod Nano 5th generation

ipod linux slackware libgpod hashinfo
I've been having a bad time with my iPod Nano and Slackware Linux lately. A lot of the problems I had don't even need a description, but I give just some keywords : 'HashInfo' , 'SysInfoExtended' , 'Database Sync'. 's all, All of  them were solved by building the last stable release of libgpod with this configuration: ./configure -prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --with-hal-callouts-dir=/usr/libexec/scripts That's all, have fun.

gitconfig4j v0.0.1

gitconfig4j git java
Another weekend project has been released. As a short overview, one of the things I really love about GIT it's the .gitconfig layout: I love the simplicity and the clearness of those configuration files, and I wanted something similar for some of my Java projects, but I couldn't find an implementation of it. So, I decided to create a very small library for supporting git-config file layout for Java. Read more...

Traducción del libro Slackbasics

libros guía linux traduccion slackware
Felizmente anuncio la conclusión de la traducción del libro Slackbasics, Daniel de Kok a español latinoamericano. Este es un proyecto que tomó poco mas de un año, enseñándome cosas que solamente un traductor puede enfrentar... Para mas información referirse a la página dedicada a este tema: Read more...

Regular expressions

regex perl humor

Simplified JMX with Apache Commons Modeler

Since I started working with JMX, I always had a background framework doing the dirty job for me. First it was Spring JMX with all its utilities, it's impossible to describe how pleased I was with it. Then I worked in a web application, using JBoss, and again, all was as simple as adding an annotation string to some classes or operations. But recently I got involved in a pure-java application without frameworks and without the possibility of integrating one. Read more...

FLOSS Weekly favourite episodes

floss technology oss podcast
Since last year I am loyal listener of FLOSS Weekly podcasts, Randall Schwartz and his guests give us hours and hours of very useful information in an interesting way. As I am a software developer, I rather prefer some episodes related to certain issues, like frameworks and development tools and not so much with hardware-related issues. So, based on that, this is my selection of must listen episodes of this great show (* recommended): Read more...

A thought

You are not your programming language. You are not the web stack you’ve learned. You are not your text editor you write your code in. You are the all crafting, multilingual developer of the world! Read more...
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