== Timoteo Ponce's blog ==

Review: Weekly Experiment: Standing desk

After a week trying this new setup for working, here the results. The rules: During mornings sitting will be the defaultDuring afternoons standing will be the defaultDuring lunch-time standing will be the default The control: Did it have any physical effect? A big physical effect, the body feels better, although there were some small pains after the first daysDid it have any food/drink related effect?Clearly, I consumed much less sugared drinks, not even coffee, and the body didn't ask for it. Read more...

Weekly Experiment: Standing desk

timebox experiment
After listening to some interesting thoughts from Linda Rising at Software Engineering Radio, I've started a periodical experiment, time-boxed to a week in order to check results. So this weeks is related to standing desk, not really a standing desk, but a platform that allows me to work while standing up. The rules: During mornings sitting will be the default During afternoons standing will be the defaultDuring lunch-time standing will be the default The control: Read more...

DCI: Data Context and Interaction Architecture playlist

architecture dci
It's been a while since I've heard about DCI, and still to this day I'm thrilled with the approach and the concept behind it. It still lacks lots for experimentation in my case, but I find the paradigm really but really interesting. So in that matter, here a list of resources that can introduce the paradigm in a better way: Coplien: A good introduction James Coplien - The DCI Architecture: Supporting the Agile Agenda from Øredev Conference on Vimeo. Read more...

An advice towards Mercurial

mercurial git rcs
This is not a rant, really, just a some few things I would like to write down. HistoryWhen I started into development I've got the great suggestion to use revision control systems, the first one that I ever used was CVS, it really worked well for my own purposes, just had some issues with the sharing-between multiple machines. Then Subversion was the hot-thing and it was a bit better that Subversion, but still had some of the things that I disliked from CVS. Read more...

Some interesting things...

timo review blog
During the last seven years I've been working as a software developer, ocasional team leader, weird tester and lazy seller. The world of software development is so wide and moving that you never get tired of it, I happen to dislike some technology approaches, some practices, and even some programming languages. But something I come to appreciate from the profession itself, is the self-pacing nature of it. It's possible to have great teams where things move really fast and well, and is also possible to get into a slow-as-a-snail situation in which you can't even see the final outcome. Read more...

Personal current trends on software development

best practices technology utilities programming framework maven java
Most productive development environment (server-side): Java 8 + Spring Frameworks + SpringBootjOOq or HibernateMaven as build tool Eclipse or IntelliJ as IDEMost productive web development environment (single-page applications): React.js with WebPackTypescript Atom or Vim as editorNPM as build tool Most productive mobile development environment: Groovy as programming languageGradle build toolIntelliJ as IDE Most interesting programming model: Clojure/LispElixir/ErlangMost useful getting-things-done tool: Go programming languageDocker

A personal wiki

wiki fossil personal
A while ago I read in many places that you should write down what you learn, and that the best way to do it is by having a personal wiki. So I started doing that, but at the time the options I had were: Install a local server and then use MediaWiki or something similarInstall a standalone application that worked as a wikiUse a public service to create a personal wikiBut no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get use to it, I worked most of the time offline, and I didn't like to be doing configurations over and over (since I still use a variety of OSes). Read more...

A new perspective

programming learning software engineering
From time to time you get used to the environment you work with, you feel confident about what you do and you think that your approaches are kind of safe an standard. That is something really naive for someone who is a developer, I have been/I am that person. During my first programming years I was exposed to Java and C++, these were the door-openers for my to the entire programming world. Read more...

A strange path in development

programming learning
During the time I've being a software developer there are many things that I noticed in my personal growth as a programmer, I can quickly list the following phases/periods: Beginner: You do have notions for programming, but write awful code.User: You start writting better code, you also see your previous mistakes.Experienced: You know the ground, and you are comfortable with it. And the interesting thing about these phases is that are technology/language/paradigm based. Read more...

Going back

Hi there, for a while I've been out through several things that kept me busy enough, now that things are slowly gaining a pace I'll start writing again, for me, and for her: Emilia
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