== Timoteo Ponce's blog ==

About the joy of reading, and getting older

reading personal
During the last few years I've started reading many books in all areas I'm interested on. Not only technology related, but also drama, history, and even comics. Reading was not pleasant for me for a while. I tried and tried during my teenage to be interested in books, because my brothers were avid readers, but I couldn't. I couldn't share their taste or interest for books, not even the intensity they have for them. Read more...

The computer revolution hasn't happened yet

alan kay talk computer science tech-talk oopsla software engineering
I'm a huge fan of conferences, I like documentaries and any kind of media that teaches something. And as a software developer I must say that there are lots of good resources for us to learn, to keep updated in technologies, concepts and general practices. One of the best presentations I've seen so far is Alan Kay's keynote at OOPSLA 97, I don't know if there are any transcripts of it, but it is very valuable to listen what the man has to say, recommended. Read more...

The mythical man month - the tar pit

patterns discipline management review book
Preface It's been a while since I wrote something, work, university and life in general have kept me busy enough to forget that from time to time it is required for me to spare some words in any kind of medium. Just for the fun of doing it. Then I just started reading the book The Mythical Man Month by Frederick P. Brooks because I found in many places that it is a mandatory reading for software development in general and I started reading it to find out what it has on it. Read more...

Weekly log - August - week 1

log technology development
This week has been very entertaining due to the huge amount of issues I had to dealt with, here a short summary: I learned about the evilness about Global State, had to fix several issues related to it.I got very interested (yet again) in the Dependency Inversion Principle and finally understood it.Started working on a very interesting project regarding a bunch of new technologies and concepts that are really exciting, some of them are REST, Maven, Spring, Scala and AOP. Read more...

Is not about the tool

best practices tools design opinion development software engineering
Over and over I keep listening and reading in software development forums about certain types of questions: What is the best tool to do ?What is the perfect IDE for ?What can I use for modelling in ?I know this because I started with those questions as well when I started a few years ago, but when dealing with different things during my short experience I have learned that the answers were never going to be enough, because the questions never were the correct ones in first place. Read more...

Why to learn Ruby

First of all, the mandatory disclaimer: I'm a Java developer and I have been one since 2006, I have some experience with it and I can tell that most of the things I tried have worked fine. Now, why if I have a stable knowledge on an existing programming language, and its frameworks, and its related tools, and its book and literature, want to learn a new language such as Ruby? Read more...

ATIX Libre - segundo artículo publicado

programacion revistas electronicas articulo development java
Tarde pero seguro, he reducido la frecuencia de publicaciones debido a mi pésima administración de tiempo, pero que hacer, solo yo puedo cambiar eso :-)  Sin mas preámbulos, he aquí la segunda parte de los artículos que he venido escribiendo sobre este interesante framework para desarrollo web en entornos Java, Play! Web Framework.

Primer artículo publicado

codigo open source revistas electronicas articulo
Se dice que la escritura fue la idea base para el desarrollo de sociedades y la dispersión de conocimiento, tal conocimiento por cientos de años solía pasar como historias o enseñanzas verbales de persona en persona, ahora ya todo ha cambiado. Tenemos en el bolsillo con un smartphone, Kindle o iPad la capacidad de alojar cantidades inimaginables de datos e historias, sin precedentes en la historia de la humanidad. Ahora nuestro problema no es encontrar la mayor cantidad de conocimiento, sino descartar aquél que no tenga utilidad. Read more...

My father was a professional - part 2

story jose ponce gonzales personal
Sequel from My father was a professional - part 1 Things I'm ashamed I didn't learned from himEven though I knew my father was really skillful in almost any kind of job, I learned very few things from his craftsmanship. He was a great mechanic, but I didn't learn anything related to cars from him (I'm still very ignorant in that subject). He was a great electrician, I learned some stuff of that from him, but I dare to say . Read more...

Coding journal - Scala's Hello world

programming scala
I'm learning Scala as part of my masters thesis and every day I find something new that gets me more and more interested about this language. As I'm a technical guy I enjoy seeing things working, so hands down on the keyboard. Obviously the first attempt I do for any programming language is the classic Hello World. They both compile to Java bytecode and work exactly the same, but I have to add some remarks on the few code I wrote: Read more...
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