== Timoteo Ponce's blog ==

Object Calisthenics

rules object programming design
Yet again I come here to share something learned from very smart people. Initially when I saw these rules my head exploded. Even though they are reasonable rules, they break the traditional non-object-oriented I've been doing for a while. One level of indentation per methodNo else keywordWrap all primitives and stringsUse only one dot per lineDon’t abbreviate names but keep them shortKeep all entities smallNo more than two instance variables per classUse first-class collectionsDon’t use any getters/setters or propertiesI'm still trying to wrap a prototype project around them, and the partial results are astonishing. Read more...

Software Architecture, lessons learned

patterns design development software engineering
There are very good developers, that can create great products out of nowhere without thinking too much. Well, I'm not one of those, it takes me a while to get the right idea, and several times I had to throw everything I've bee working on and start from scratch. But even in situations like these, there are some things you learn from time to time. Minimalism This is something I learned from Robert Martin's Clean Code (but I think it just takes common sense). Read more...

Ubuntu usage report: 2 months after

ubuntu report linux
So far I've been using Ubuntu as my laptop's system for two months, did a lot of things with it, including serious applications development. For doing it so, I performed several package installations and system configurations, including very low-level scripting and server-oriented configurations. Considering everything I did, this are some things I find very useful in Ubuntu: Package management system, this is perhaps its most obvious feature, it's really simple to install any package present in a repository. Read more...

SE books you must read: Effective Java

book development java
Although this book is kind of old, is still valid. All its concepts and best practices are still being used and its author is an authority in the development world > Joshua Bloch. This was the first book I read when I got into professional development, and believe when I say that is one of the mandatory books to read if you want to write something functional in Java. Read more...

Test Driven Development: Small tutorial

development tdd java software engineering
Some weeks ago I did a TDD presentation and for that matter I prepared a small tutorial of how to do it. Details I used Robert Martin's approach to TDD.The example idea was taken from James Shore.The QueryString(built in the tutorial) component is a simple HTTP parameters parser.Http Parameters format: http://myhos.org/test?param1=value1¶m2=value2 HttpParser on github QueryStringTest.java

Why reading is important

I had a long conversation today with a very close uncle, he's one of the most knowledgeable persons I've ever met. He learned to read and write on his own, while working and raising a family. Right now he's in his 70s but the topics he shares are amazingly interesting, starting from Greek mythology, wars, and ending up with urban legends. Perhaps his wisdom is the result of many years of experience and living, but I couldn't say. Read more...

Library management with Ivy

configuration dependency ant
Back in the day, when I was a child, I used to manage all my project's libraries by hand, copying and moving everything I needed for a project into its respective folder. I was happy with this for some time, but then I had to scale, handle several projects with a mixed set of dependencies. My original idea was to use a grown up tool like Maven, but its XML-hell led me out of it. Read more...

Migrate Oracle backup script to H2 (mode=ORACLE)

ruby code
Some work I've been doing today.

Code freeze

best practices code freze software development
When you are developing something in a constant pace and everything is moving smoothly, how do you test? Do you stop coding and then test what you've done? and then go back to code? This may work for some people, but I struggle when I have to multi-task (this does not apply for TDD) and some of the people I know have the same feeling. A while ago I worked in a project where there was a 'code freeze' day, in this day nobody could commit anything to the repository and everything you had to do was to test and register the bugs you've found. Read more...

Robert C. Martin: Programming Languages

software tech-talk uncle bob
Robert C. Martin has been an authority in computer science for many years, most of his work and publications are taken as must-do in Software Engineering. Here we have it at RailsConf giving us an history lesson about Programming Languages and the evolution of computing science.
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