== Timoteo Ponce's blog ==

SE books you must read: The Pragmatic Programmer

book development
Once I started working of professional software development, I was eager to learn what the world was doing at the time. I had left university and working for a considerable payment was new for me, I wanted to deserve it. Then I started reading a lot, several books about programming an engineering, some of them were obsolete and a complete waste of time. But every once I found a jewel, and this is a very good one: Read more...

Podcasts I enjoy listening

ipod podcast
Precedents While going to work or when I'm walking from work to the university, I tend to get bored. A year ago I got an iPod due to some obscure business, but that's not the point of this story, and I got reallz interested in its Podcast feature. Although it's just a radio program meant to be played in a mobile device, it is an amazing source of entertainment and information. Read more...

Mi forma de aprender

Recuerdan cuando estaban en primaria y no podían multiplicar, sin importar cuanto lo intentaban?. Yo tuve ese tipo de problemas durante toda mi vida, el estudio en su estado puro nunca me llamó la atención, tal vez por una falta de atención patológica o simplemente por pereza. Incluso no llegué a leer un libro completo hasta los 15 años, realmente los odiaba. Ahora soy un ávido lector y me emociona el hecho de afrentar algo nuevo, de aprender y de hacer que las cosas sean posibles. Read more...

Quick and dirty LOC counter written in Ruby

ruby code
A few weeks ago I needed urgently to measure some projects I'm interested in, but I didn't have an internet connection to download the latest application that would do the work for me. So, I decided to write my own LOC counter. I didn't want to write it in Java because of the time consuming for it, and as I am learning Ruby, I just gave it a try. Read more...

El saber de lo desconocido

A pesar de que el ser humano intente controlar todos los aspectos de su existencia, es inevitable prevenir lo que dicta el transcurso del tiempo. Cuántas veces me he dicho a mi mismo que el destino es sencillamente una secuencia de eventos que consecuentemente conllevan a un resultado inverosímil. Cientos de veces la lógica intenta calar todo lo que hago, pero algunas veces el pensamiento se rinde al instinto y al condicionamiento. Read more...

Recuerdo Fuera de Tiempo

Tal vez un poco tarde, pero no quería dejar esto e lado. Hace ya 5 años perdí a una de las personas mas honestas que haya tenido el gusto de conocer, estoy seguro que mi impresión de esta persona se replica en la mente de todos los que lo conocieron y disfrutaron de su presencia en este mundo. Yo era una persona desinteresada por completo de lo referente a la muerte y sus consecuencias, nada mal viene el dicho " Read more...


ubuntu slackware
Sadly after several years of using Slackware as my main operating system, I have to leave it aside. The decision was taken after several attempts of installing networking tools and Perl patches, somehow I broke several libraries and my system was a complete mess. Slackware taught me everything about Linux and software development, but the tinkering time for me it-s over. I can no longer spend hours having fun compiling sources or testing different configurations. Read more...

Huawei modem in Slackware Linux

modem slackware usb
Finally, after several minutes (Linux software is getting better) I made it work. I bought a Huawei modem USB a few days ago, and the phone company who sold it to me only supports Windows and Mac systems. After a while and thanks to a great tutorial, the connection was performed; this is the article I used: http://www.techonia.com/install-huawei-usb-modem-slackware Note: You have to set manually your DNS nameservers and the default gateway route, that's it.

Configure DiffMerge on MacOSX

git diff mac
Based on this article, I modified it a little bit in order to make it work on Mac: [diff] tool=diffmerge [difftool "diffmerge"] cmd = exec /Applications/DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" [merge] tool = diffmerge [mergetool "diffmerge"] cmd = exec /Applications/DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge --merge --result=\"$MERGED\"\n\"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" trustexitcode = false

Distributed software development

databases development java
As you have seen through the entries of this blog, I'm a distributed-stuff fanatic. I really think that the future of software development is closely related with this concept. Many problems arise when you are working in a project that involves more than 2 developers, and the problems are even worst if new developers are included into the development process. It's a mess. But you can make it work if you follow a simple goal: Every developer should be able to do whatever he wants without bothering anybody else. Read more...
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